Joan Todó
Writer and translator
He has published poetry, collected in La vista dels dits (2021, Critics' Prize for Poetry 2022), and two books of short stories, A butxacades (2011) and Lladres (2016).
He is the author of a biographical profile of Father Gregori Estrada, Respirar el segle (2017) and two novels, L'horitzó primer (2013) and La verda es porta (2021, NoLlegiu prize for non-fiction and Finestres prize for narrative), as well as a long story, El final del món, included in La recerca del flamenc (2015) and a Guia sentimental del Delta de l'Ebre (2018).
He has also translated, among others, Els homes de la terra i el mar, by Sebastià Juan Arbó (2015), and a book of poems by Mark Strand (Rufaga de un, 2016). He has also collaborated as a literary critic in magazines such as Caracteres, Revista de Letras, Tropelías, L'Aiguadolç, Voces Bajas, La Lectora and L'Avenç, where he has a regular section called Llegir escrivint.